ChessGenius Classic7 is not compatible with the ChessBase platforms but has its own GUI. Eduard Nemeth describes how various chess engines can be installed in the GUI of Chess Genius 7. Languages: German and English.
A multiple chess platform has several important functions. You can 1) use it as a database and PGN-reader (replayer); 2) as a client to chess servers; and 3) install a chess engine in it, even arranging tournaments between chess engines. WinBoard, which is free, is the most known multiple chess platform, and there is downright a cult around the program. Some enthusiasts arrange tournaments between WinBoard-compatible engines. Read more at WinBoard-related pages.
Houdini 3 Pro UCI Chess Engines [CBF-Crack] License Key
El ajedrez de Lucas - the platform comes with a pre-installed chess engine, Toga II 2.0 SE, which you can exchange for other chess engines. The platform contains several interesting functions for chess training. Language: Spanish.
Haundrix Chess is a free open source chess program that can be used for playing against your computer and for viewing/editing your PGN files. It comes with three chess engines for different playing styles.
Net Chess - a combined client, chess program and program for e-mail chess. Net Chess is delivered with a pre-installed chess engine, but other WinBoard-compatible chess engines may as well be installed. Trial period of 10 days - thereafter a registration fee of 14 $ is required.
Slibo aims to be a comfortable chess interface for KDE (Linux). The program has more functionality than the xboard chess interface and can therefore replace it. Slibo can be used with common chess engines like Crafty or Gnuchess, but it provides its own chess engine too.
A chess engine has no interface, because the programmer wants to save himself of this part. Some programs are both equipped with an interface and WinBoard-compatible at the same time. The chess engines can not only be installed in WinBoard, Chessvision but also in commercial chess programs like the latest versions of Fritz. There are about 500 chess engines (2009). Here follows a limited selection - see the list below or go to Download sites.
Houdini - this chess engine, developed by Robert Houdart, is presently leading (February 2012) most rating lists for chess programs. The programmer points out that he has used many ideas and techniques from Open Source chess engines such as Ippolit and Stockfish. Houdini is available in both free and commercial versions.
Ruffian is constructed by Per-Ola Valfridsson, Sweden. On Arena October 2002 you could read : "For several weeks now, the chess computer community have witnessed almost unbelievable results by a Swedish chess engine. Beta-testers have reported results which give reasons to assume that Ruffian is one of the best chess engines ever published." Freeware. Language: English.
ChessBase is an absolutely leading chess database - and expensive. The latest version, ChessBase 8, contains a lot of search functions, a number of chess engines, player portraits, which appear when you fetch a game from the database and so on. There is also a functional free version, ChessBase Light, which can store 6000 games. Steve Lopez gives pieces of advice on how to use ChessBase in his Electronic T-notes.
JavaPairing - this is a tool to manage a chess tournament, team or individual, i.e. player registration, round generation, results, ranking & crosstable, report to FED and WEB site generation. Implemented engines are: Swiss Dutch FIDE, Swiss Dubov, Swiss Simple, Swiss Perfect Colours, Amalfi Rating and Round Robin. Languages: German, English, French and Italian. 2ff7e9595c